
The Church of England, its archbishops, bishops, clergy and leaders are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. At St John the Baptist, Beeston, we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously.

You can view our Safeguarding Policy here.

Our Incumbent is: Father Wayne Plimmer (0115 925 4571)

Our Safeguarding Co-ordinator is: Julie Howson (07583 007396)

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is: Julian Hodgson (01636 817200)
address: Jubilee House, Westgate, Southwell, Nottingham. NG25 0JH

If you have concerns about possible abuse (including allegations):

  1. In an emergency, respond immediately.  Call 999 for emergency services.
  2. Consult the person to whom you are responsible eg. leader of your group, or the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, or your incumbent.

Other Contact Numbers:

Nottinghamshire County Council Children and Adult Social Care:  0300 500 8080 (Out of hours: 0300 456 4546)

Nottingham City Council Social Care:  Children: 0115 876 4800 or 0115 876 5600. Adults:  0300 131 0300.  Out of hours:  0115 876 1000

South Yorkshire:  Children:  01302 737 777. Adults: 737 391

Police:  Non-emergency 101